Spring does not officially start in our calendar until we set off to catch the blooming of cherry blossoms in Tokyo. We still vividly remember our first visit when the distances were finally conquered and the spectacular scenes which had previously only existed in commercial photos rolled out in front of us in reality. Tears rolled down our cheeks. The greatest emotions were evoked by the wonders nature has bred.
There are, of course, a lot of spring views around the world. Nothing, however, compares with the cherry blossoms in Tokyo. The sky is painted with pink and white. Some of the flowers are so eager to dance with the wind that they escape the branches and dance an elegant ballet.
The spring journey to Japan is also for sourcing seasonal ingredients. Our latest menu features Sakura Latte and White Chocolate Matcha Latte. A wonderful spring spreads out from your cup to your tongues.
With spring comes another ritual, that is egg painting. Since the first year we opened our door, we have invited customers to paint eggs and let the colors and laughter wake a new season. Anyone is welcome to join our annual Easter Egg Painting, with the winner getting a month of free coffee.
Seasons change and another extra long summer is going to take root in the city soon. Come visit us this weekend and you will know spring is too good to miss.
*** LOCK CHUCK Easter Egg Painting ***
When:21st April, 2019 Sunday

春天的LOCK CHUCK还有一项传统,那就是“画蛋”。从我们第一年开放起,每年的复活节,我们都邀请到访的客人发挥创意,在蛋壳上作画,和去年一样,最佳作品即可赢取一个月免费的咖啡。
美好的春风稍纵即逝,额外长的夏天即将笼罩广州。这周末,和你的爱人,一起来LOCK CHUCK,感受限时美丽的春色。
LOCK CHUCK 复活节画蛋蛋比赛