Christmas spirit is, in part, passed down through generations because of the innocent belief that Santa Claus exists. Every year, around this time, our dreams are filled with the same vision: that we would open our eyes slightly, whilst still tucked up in bed, to an intricately wrapped gift left in a stocking at our side.
The best gift Santa has given us is the admiration and gratitude we continue to feel towards the world. The more we give, the more we get. Last month, we visited New York and met our friend Mayita at Irving Farm. We’ve been working together for more than three years; it is because of her that the bond between Lock Chuck and New York remains unbreakable. Before we set off, we prepared a small gift for her: a tote bag from our Back to School campaign. When we were designing the bag, we discussed with artist Evan about taking on a very ‘New York’ style, incorporating the bold lettering that dominates the billboards or signs in the subway. After several trials, Evan separated the words BACK TO SCHOOL into individual letters, with a bold font falling down and piling up like stars in a make-a-wish bottle. Simple, yet eye-catching. When we met Mayita, we told her that New York is always a source of inspiration for our eyes and minds. For us, going back to New York is like going back to school. The tote bag, symbolic of the spirit of continued learning in Guangzhou, has now travelled to our friend’s hands in New York and Mayita liked it so much she also gave us a small present: a bag of coffee beans named after her sister. ‘My family owns this coffee farm, and we love the taste of the coffee. I hope you will, too.’ Of course we did. It is the first Christmas gift we received this year.
Gifts can’t always last, but memories do. On our first Christmas in Lock Chuck, our friends Emily (who is now one of our editors) and Ruffle, came to visit. Under our Christmas tree, we sang Christmas songs, drank mulled wine, told stories about our celebrations all over the world, baked cookies and sealed the memories with laughter and joy. Emily and Ruffle handed a small box to us. Opening it, we were excited to find a handmade clay thunderbolt logo that we could hang on the tree. We wasted no time in tying it on. Santa and love are actually all around, only if you believe in them. Emily craved for that festive vibe that reminded her of home. We were desperate to open our gifts, and we became each other’s Santa.
Let’s make Christmas memorable. A city that doesn’t snow does not need to necessarily lack the festive vibe. Give a gift and receive one. You’re welcome to come and join our Christmas BBQ party and find your secret Santa. Everyone who attends is requested to prepare a wrapped gift with a note saying why you have chosen it (Please limited the gift budget below RMB 100). Put it under our tree at the party, and pick up a random gift prepared by another.
Joy and love have taken over at Lock Chuck, especially this Christmas.
Welcome to LOCK CHUCK Christmas BBQ Party
BBQ, Christmas Cookie Workshop, Festive Perfume Workshop, Secret Santa, Christmas Choir and more.
Time: 22nd December 2018, 7pm-10pm
Early Bird 98RMB (Available by 16th December)
On Site 138RMB
Price include BBQ, Christmas drinks and a Christmas pin.
Drop a comment below to book a spot.

上个月,我们再次造访纽约,和我们Irving Farm的好朋友Mayita见面。我们一起工作了三年,也正因如此,LOCK CHUCK和纽约的纽带坚不可摧。在出发之前,我们为Mayita挑选了一件小礼物:我们重返校园活动的帆布袋。在设计这个帆布袋的时候,我们和设计师Evan讨论了很久,最终确定采用一个非常纽约风格的设计,那就是融入遍布纽约街头的广告牌,地铁指示牌上的粗体字母。尝试了多次,Evan把BACK TO SCHOOL这几个字母打乱,加粗的字体从上往下掉,堆积在一起,如同许愿瓶里的小星星。简单,却又过目不忘。当见到Mayita的时候,我们告诉她,纽约时刻是我们灵感的来源。重返纽约对于我们来说如同重返校园。这个在广州传播着我们对于知识的渴望和时刻努力向上的精神的帆布袋跨越重洋,来到纽约,来到我们好朋友的手中。Mayita非常喜欢这个帆布袋,也送给我们一份精心准备的礼物:以她和她的妹妹命名的咖啡豆。她说“这是我自己家的咖啡农场的出品。我非常喜欢它的风味,希望你也喜欢。”这是今年我们收到的第一份圣诞礼物。
礼物可能无法存续久长,但打开它的那刹那的记忆却可以从始至终闪闪发光。在LOCK CHUCK举办的第一个圣诞节派对,我们英国的好朋友Emily(现在也是我们的编辑之一)和Ruffle一起来参加。在圣诞树下,我们一起吟诵圣诞歌,举杯圣诞红酒,分享和圣诞有关的故事,烤制姜饼,用爱和笑把这个忆记封存。Emily和Ruffle给我们准备了一份小礼物。拆开那刹那,眼睛闪着星光,里面躺着的是一枚用粘土捏出来的我们的小闪电logo。我们把它挂在了圣诞树上。
让我们一起把圣诞的记忆镌刻珍藏。一个不下雪的城市并不意味着会缺席节日的盛典。给出一份礼物,收获一份礼物。欢迎参加LOCK CHUCK圣诞BBQ派对,寻找你的神秘圣诞老人。我们请求每一位参与者随身携带一份包装好的礼物(价格请不要超过100元),并附上一张纸条写上为什么你会选择这份礼物。派对进行时,把它放在圣诞树下,在我们神秘圣诞老人的环节,每一位参与者都可以随机挑选一份圣诞树下的礼物,付出惊喜,收获惊喜。
欢乐与爱统领着LOCK CHUCK,尤其在这个圣诞节。
早鸟票:98元 (购买截至12月16日)