It seems that we have never truly left school. With each turned page displaying clusters of immigration stamps, our passports become a gateway to an infinite world: the politeness of Tokyo, the energy of New York, the relaxed aesthetics of Amsterdam. The more we discover, the stronger our urge to learn.
Popping into our shop, not only are you greeted by our friendly baristas, but also by piles of books sitting in the corner. An appreciation of reading is one of the lessons we have learnt during our global exploration.
Our memories travel back to New York. We had never seen so many book advertisements, or the way in which reading culture was integrated into daily life. Trains became a second library. Daily chats began with “what are you reading at the moment?” On sunny days, sitting on the lawn with a paperback is a popular pastime. We wandered across Strand Bookstore, a place where books are loved. It is there where we found a lot of inspiration for our shop design. Whenever we get praise from our customers, we always give credit to the books we devoured in Strand Bookstore. Appreciation of bookstores continues to bloom in our hearts.
Japan’s love of books is second to none. Squeezing yourself into a shuttle train, one hears only two sounds: the rattling of the tracks, or the flipping of paper-pages. The first night we stayed in Osaka, we wandered around Umeda. Shops had already begun to close, and Izakayas were sending away their last drunken customers. Curiosity led us to a bookstore still shedding bright light out onto the first floor of Osaka station. To our surprise, people were in abundance by the stacks of books, standing, reading, getting lost in the world the pages created. Being late is never an excuse to leave such worlds behind.
A city that loves books fosters inherited charms. We soon began to appreciate reading and with that came a want to spread the spirit. Keeping that in mind, we pay our homage to knowledge with our special campaigns for each back-to-school season. Different artists are invited to create a series of artworks to illustrate their attitude to learning. This year, we give our admiration to a local young artist, Evan. After being trained in the UK, and majoring in art, Evan adopted the basic techniques of silk printing to show his attitude. This simple yet emotion-arousing practice displays Evan’s three beliefs: be brave, make mistakes, and think critically. The exhibition will be held during September and October, with well-designed pins, tote bags and posters available in our shop.
Time may change, but spirit endures. It is never too late to learn.
LOCK CHUCK X Evan Back-to-school Campaign Limited Edition
Pins RMB67/each
Tote Bag RMB148
Screen-printing Poster RMB348
Pre-order now, pick up from 20th September onward and enjoy a free drink on your pick-up day

每次走进LOCK CHUCK,除了我们友好的咖啡师,还有角落堆起来的书向你发出问候。环球探索教会我们的重要一课就是:相信、珍视阅读的力量。
思绪回到纽约,震撼于大街小巷遍布书籍广告和被融入到寻常生活中的阅读习惯。列车车厢是飞驰的图书馆;朋友间的见面常常会以“最近你在读什么书?”为开场;阳光明媚的日子,坐在草坪上,让文字在眼前随风跳跃便是最纽约客最受欢迎的休闲日常。无意中闯入Strand Bookstore,书本在此如传世钻石,被珍爱。也是在Strand Bookstore,我们获取到大量设计灵感。每次有客人称赞我们的店铺设计,我们总毫不吝惜地把功劳归功于在Strand Bookstore中的阅读时光。对于书店的钟爱,在心底扎根发芽。
一座喜爱书籍的城市值得受到最多的爱戴。和我们喜爱的城市一样,我们也开始喜欢上文字,开始热衷传播阅读的精神。正因如此,在每年重返校园的季节,我们都会举办一个特殊的活动:邀请不同的艺术家进行创作,展示他们对于学习的态度。今年,我们把赞美送给一位年轻的本地艺术家Evan。Evan毕业于英国伦敦艺术大学-传媒学院,在这次重返校园的活动中,他重拾在校园里训练无数的最基本的印刷技术—丝网印刷来创作艺术作品,表达他对学习的态度:勇于突破,敢于犯错,乐于思考。这些作品将在九月和十月期间在LOCK CHUCK展出。Evan还设计了金属徽章,帆布袋,丝网印刷海报,阅读的精神从LOCK CHUCK到与你可及的身旁。
LOCK CHUCK X Evan 重返校园活动限定周边
金属徽章 67元/个
帆布袋 148元
丝网印刷海报 348元