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A Spring too short to miss

What does global exploration teach us? The more we discover, the more transient we feel to the world.

It’s in Vienna that we came across an amazing exhibition, LOOKING AT MONET. Not only were we strongly impressed by his great artworks, but also the ideas behind them. ’For me, a landscape does not exist in its own right, since its appearance changes at every moment.’

This great aesthetic is echoed in the East. From Zen gardens dating back to ancient times to minimal interior design of modern sky scrapers, Wabi-sabi, a Japanese philosophy that accepts transience and imperfection, is integrated into every detail, no matter how small it is. Seasons drive the inner clocks of the Japanese people, who eat and dress according to the season.

From these lessons we learnt on our travels, we began to appreciate the notoriously short Spring in Guangzhou. Weather doesn’t show mercy (we roast in Guangzhou while our friends in Tokyo and Copenhagen enjoy cool days) but weren’t we, as sentient beings, put upon the earth to be happy, the the brief time allotted to us? Each season is worthy of a unique celebration.

Look up to the sky rather than down at your screens, and see the Mu Mian Hua (Kapok flower) is now blossoming enthusiastically.

Get out from your cellars. Letting your skin be painted by a splash of golden color while not sweating is this season’s privilege. Experience the amazing outdoors before it’s too late.

Life is short. We catch each moment with greatest efforts. Spring is now rolling out at LOCK CHUCK. Don’t miss it.


在维也纳,我们有幸赶上莫奈的画展 — LOOKING AT MONET。不仅震撼于大师笔下光影的变化,还有作品背后的观念。“对于我来讲,眼前的景象很难持续独立存在,因为每一分每一秒,它们都在变化”。




春天已经在广州展开,在尚未太迟之前,来LOCK CHUCK感受自然变化,不负最美的春光。

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