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A Lucky Gift for a Lucky Year

A great Chinese New Year is always stuffed with lucky food and lucky words. Traditions see people visiting family and friends to wish them luck and prosperity for the year to come. A good gift designed by our favorite local young artist Picasso, CNY Limited Edition Pins, is now available at LOCK CHUCK. Come get one and spread the spirit of Chinese New Year.

被好运的食物和祝福填满的春节才是完美的节日。新春佳节,当然少不了和亲友相聚,互送祝愿,祈望新的一年万事胜意,恭喜发财。LOCK CHUCK为你准备了小小的伴手礼——由我们最喜欢的本地年轻艺术家Picasso设计的农历新年限定徽章。现在就来选购,把祝福和爱随身传播。

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