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Christmas has dropped in LOCK CHUCK, with love and new drinks

November is coming to an end, and we are all ready to turn a new page to the last month of the year. Be it a triumphant year or a losing one, time keeps pushing us ahead. The cold weather doesn’t trigger nostalgia; instead, we are becoming more hopeful as we look ahead to the coming year.

It’s the best season of the year. Our minds can’t help but wander off to the wonderland in the shopping windows along the Fifth Avenue, or the view of the blue and red galactic lightings in Roppongi or even the warm and festive scarves wrapped around the street fences in Causeway Bay. It’s only natural that we bring that festivity into Guangzhou, right here in LOCK CHUCK.

Delay no more. As many of you have already gotten a sneak peak of our authentic Christmas tree and Christmas wreath, you now know that we don’t play around; we take Christmas very VERY seriously. That said, we don’t just upgrade our looks, we also upgrade our content, and in this case, our menu. The original and classic festival drinks are now in store: Peppermint Mocha, Sea Salt Caramel Latte, Gingerbread Latte, Mulled Wine and more. Expect the unexpected all in here.

The season is about giving and loving (or as Joey from “Friends” says, “It’s about giving, and receiving.” ). Come by and say hello. Let us overwhelm you with our love for the Christmas spirit.

Christmas has dropped in LOCK CHUCK.

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这是一年中最好的季节。我们的思绪早就忍不住奔涌向第五大道橱窗里的奇幻世界;奔涌向六本木被蓝色以及红色的闪耀星光点缀的大街;奔涌向铜锣湾被温暖的围巾和帽子包裹着的街头围栏。我们很自然地想到,把这些节日的气氛通通带回来,就在LOCK CHUCK与你分享。



圣诞节已经降临LOCK CHUCK。

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