When we were preparing our Go Explore project, we had many an intensive brainstorm with our Japanese friend Seiji. It isn’t surprising that they often involved the exploration of tradition. We type our articles on the keyboard of a MacBook, so, why then do we continue to be obsessed with the stationary stores in Japan where a lot of classic pens are sold? There are times when we are just too focused on our screens. Of course, technology makes life easier, but we long for those organic experiences that seem to evade our memory now.
Why do we keep traditions?
Five years ago, I quit my stable job as an Electrical Engineer and flew to New York for Christmas. Before I set off, my mind was inundated with these preconceived ideas of how it would be: roofs covered with thick snow; shop windows glistening with festive decorations; crisp air infused with the smell of fir trees. Again, I was nervous at the newness of it all. Even though I didn’t like the job, it was my profession, what I had trained for. Was quitting to set my feet to a new path the best idea?
The train connecting JFK Airport to Manhattan led me straight to Macy’s. When I reached the ground level, the fairy-tale scenes that flooded my thoughts became a reality. It was snowing! Busy strangers walking by carried the same hope within their smiles. ‘Merry Christmas’ echoed through the air. Bands stood on the sidewalks, hitting drums whilst singing Christmas carols. I raised my eyes to look at the sky, blinded by the festive façade. There, in front of me was a towering neon light spelling ‘BELIEVE’. Shining intermittently, it created an illusion of a galaxy. Icy teardrops suddenly trickled down my cheeks.
Tokyoites keep the Christmas tradition, too. In Roppongi Hills, we joined with the locals for their annual Christmas lights switch-on; the whole street was lit up with blue and white sparkles. Looking at the ethereal lights, we mistook them for stars in the sky. Laughter broke through the freezing air. Lovers embraced tightly. The castle from the nearby Christmas market reflected in glinting eyes. In that moment, we realized the spirit of Christmas: hope and love.
Traditions are kept alive because of, and for, love. Since the message of Santa touched our hearts, we keep the spirit alive back in Guangzhou. A real Christmas tree grown in The States has crossed oceans and arrived in our store last week. Our creative team even hand-made copper thunderbolts to hang on its spindly branches. A wreath has also been hung high in the air. Just like last year, it has been hand-crafted by our friends at Bloom in December with real fur leaves and pinecones that were collected during their studies in the UK. Professor Teemu and Professor Harri, taught us how to do papercuts; a Finnish Christmas tradition. Now the window is blanketed with a Finnish festive vibe.
We keep exploring the infinite, as well as the world of traditions. As part of our Go Explore project, we are organizing a Lock Chuck Christmas Wonderland with 31Rehub in Canton Place, one of the most beautiful outdoor plazas in Guangzhou, on 24th-25th December. Professor Teemu has updated his pop-up installation to fit our new location, while our favourite local young artist Evan has visualized our concept with his unique designs. We have invited a lot of amazing brands to set up booths with us, curating a Christmas market experience. Build your own gingerbread house with Luss Living Room; hand-craft a Christmas wreath with Bloom in December; air-brush garments with ALLAROUNDEVENT; sew Christmas accessories to your jeans with KOOTINSEN; set up your own balloon castles with our friends Katherine and TwoKids; and sample perfumes created by independent perfumeries around the world with The Poem. Our favourite restaurant in town, Social&Co, will prepare festive snacks whilst Old Fashion will shake up some fabulous cocktails on-site.
Our most magical Christmas tradition, our annual Christmas party, will be bigger than ever. Starting at 7pm on Christmas Eve, the 24th December, it will be the best opportunity to share the love and hope this season. Our fantastic friend Nate from South Africa will bring his family recipe for Boerewors, a Christmas sausages; come and try them at the Lock Chuck barbecue whilst he shares his Christmas stories. The talented children from three dance studies in Guangzhou will come and perform. Our Christmas Choir’s melodies will only make you wish the night lasted for longer. And, as always, do not forget our Secret Santa! Bring a gift with you, with a budget of 100RMB, wrap it up with a note saying why this present is meaningful to you, and put it under the tree. You will pick a gift from another and see which lucky smile has been warmed up by your own purchase.
Stop by at our Lock Chuck Christmas Wonderland for free between 10am – 10pm, whilst our Christmas party will be thrown from 7pm – 10pm on 24th. We are offering an early bird privilege at 98RMB, which will include piping hot mulled wine to warm both your hearts and your hands, Christmas snacks, metal pin, and festive fun. Tickets will cost 138RMB on the night. Simple sign up by leaving a comment below, and our team will be in touch with you to finalise your ticket purchase.
Join us in Winter Wonderland. Turn the moment into a memory.

在策划“Go Explore探索吧”项目的时候,我们和日本的好朋友Seiji进行了很多次头脑风暴,其中一次是关于探索传统。当我们在写这篇文章的时候,其实是在MacBook的键盘上敲出来的,那么,为什么日本文具店那些琳琅满目的笔仍然戳中我们的内心?我们早已习惯把脑袋埋进屏幕里,科技让生活更加便利,那么,为什么面对面的怦然心动总是更加记忆犹新?
东京人也知道如何保持圣诞的传统。每年圣诞时节,我们都会回到六本木的Ropponggi Hills,和当地人一起庆祝一年一度的圣诞彩灯亮灯仪式。蓝色和白色的星光把银河从天上降临人间。耳边传来一阵阵笑声,把结冰的空气击碎,一阵寒风趁机钻进人群。爱侣们紧紧拥抱。旁边的圣诞小镇城堡,折射在彼此的眼睛里,珍藏最天真的梦。就在那时,忽然意识到,圣诞的精髓不就是爱与希望吗?
因为爱,传统得以保持;传统的保持,又能把爱继续代代相传。圣诞老人的讯息,轻轻地抚摸我们的内心,我们努力传播这个爱的信号。上周,从美国漂洋过海远道而来的真正的圣诞树在LOCK CHUCK安家;我们棒棒的团队手工用铜线手工制作了圣诞树上的闪电吊饰;圣诞花环在空中悬挂,和去年一样,我们的好朋友Bloom in December用真正的诺贝松手工制作,还点缀着她们在英国留学期间收集到的松果。好朋友Teemu教授和Harri教授把芬兰的圣诞传统也带来广州,教我们怎样剪圣诞窗花,现在的橱窗,洋溢着浓郁的节日气氛。我们持续探索无穷的世界,持续探索这颗星球的各种传统。作为“Go Explore探索吧”项目的一部分,我们将携手31ReHub于12月24日和25日在广州极其漂亮的户外广场广粤天地主办LOCK CHUCK Christmas Wonderland圣诞奇幻乐园,传承爱与希望的传统。Teemu教授更新了LOCK CHUCK 探索吧快闪店的设计,配合现场高达15米的圣诞树装置,创作了一个极具建筑美学的圣诞小镇。我们最爱的本地艺术家Evan再次用独特的平面设计把爱与希望的信息可视化。我们还邀请了喜爱的朋友和品牌一起运营这座奇幻乐园,并全程策划了各种好玩的体验:想象一下和烘焙达人陆山客厅一起搭建姜饼屋,和花艺工作室Bloom in December创作圣诞花环,和ALLAROUNDEVENT集结的一系列有创造力的潮牌喷绘服饰,和牛仔服品牌古田森用牛仔布缝制圣诞配饰,和美丽大方的妈妈Katherine还有童装品牌TwoKids用气球搭建童话城堡,和买手店ThePoem探索世界各地独立的香薰品牌。我们最喜欢的餐厅Social & Co带来期间限定的节日缤纷美食,鸡尾酒吧旧巢呈现节日鸡尾酒。最值得期待的是我们的圣诞节传统 —— 年度圣诞派对将在24号晚上7点隆重举行。这是一个最好的机会分享你的爱,希望和快乐。来自南非的好朋友Nate还会在现场带来他家传统的圣诞节食谱,手工制作圣诞香肠,快来专门设定的BBQ摊位和Nate见面,分享美食和他的圣诞故事。在派对现场,还有来自Fun享艺术少儿教育培训中心,英国皇家舞蹈学院广州机构和星海附中马凯怡教授音乐工作室可爱的小朋友为你表演精彩的节目。不要忘了大家最喜欢的传统项目,神秘圣诞老人礼物交换活动,也在当晚举行。我们恳请你携带一份礼物,仔细包装,并附上一张小纸条,说说你为何会选这份礼物,放置在圣诞树下,九点钟,我们的主持人将会逐个抽取参与的朋友在圣诞树下挑选他人为你精心准备的惊喜。谁将是你的圣诞老人?那个有幸抽中你的礼物的Ta,在打开礼物的瞬间,微笑究竟会有多动人?
加入LOCK CHUCK Christmas Wonderland 。把欢乐的时刻变成永久珍藏的回忆。
LOCK CHUCK Christmas Wonderland 圣诞奇幻乐园
时间:10am – 10pm,2019年12月24日,25日地点:广粤天地户外广场
‘Tradition is Kept” Christmas Party “传统的传承”圣诞派对
时间:7pm – 10pm 2019年12月24日
地点:广粤天地户外广场早鸟票 98RMB (包括一杯暖手又暖心圣诞红酒,一份圣诞小食,LOCK CHUCK金属徽章,软饮和许多欢乐)现场票138RMB