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Welcome to join LOCK CHUCK Family

Did you know that the LC family is composed of amazing individuals from around the world? Proud to be one of the most chic and friendly coffee shop in town, we are here to welcome young people to join the team. If you are enthusiastic about hospitality services, openminded about cultural differences, and has multilingual abilities, come join us!

We would like to lead the cultural change in town with you. Send your resume to

你知道吗?LOCK CHUCK大家庭的小伙伴来自全世界不同的角落。作为成为全城最潮最友好的咖啡店之一,我们张开双臂欢迎所有年龄年轻心态年轻的小伙伴。如果你也对热情好客的服务感兴趣,乐衷于探索和尊重文化的不同,并且具有多种语言能力,那么请加入我们。


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