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To the Amazing Nordic Cities via LOCK CHUCK

We always stay curious to our world with infinite possibilities. A few years back, Guangzhou started embracing Nordic designs, from fashion house H&M to the lifestyle magazine Kinfolk. However, it was not until we set our feet off to Amsterdam and Copenhagen, that we truly understood the Nordic spirit; we were then inspired to take on a minimalistic design for our shop.

The enlightenment came through as we strolled along the cobble streets, got greeted by the locals riding on bikes, sat by the fountain watching the meticulously dressed locals, and sipped a coffee in the squares while the pigeons begged for bread crumbs; we summarized the Nordic spirit as — to live better.

We turned back to nature by adopting wood as the main construction material and we hand picked pieces of artworks, through which we show our understanding of the Nordic spirit.

As a hub for the multinationals in town, we have also made some Nordic friends along the way. Ritta, who works for Finnair flying between Helsinki and Guangzhou, has visited us every single day during her last few visits in town. We are thrilled to hear her saying that we make her feel home-y all the way on the other side of the globe. Professors Hannu and Yoko, who are working in the campus near our shop as visiting professors and are providing Finnish architecture insights to the current students, told us that our shop has helped them pick up their coffee routines back at home.

These words reinforce our goal to connect people from everywhere and showing the best of China to foreigners while also introducing the the exotic and exquisite from the abroad to our favorite regulars.


北欧的记忆依然清晰:徜徉在斑驳的鹅卵石道路,接受着骑着自行车在身边穿梭的本地人的友好招呼,坐在喷水池边看着衣着一丝不苟的金发碧眼,喝一口咖啡,让鸽子停留在身边讨要一小片面包屑。在那一霎那,我们突然发现,北欧的精神就是 — 让生活品质更高。


作为全世界文化的聚集中心,我们还在此认识了很多北欧的朋友。Ritta,这位在芬兰航空工作的女士,连接着广州和赫尔辛基。在她上一次造访广州期间,她每天早上都会准时来到LOCK CHUCK。我们超级兴奋地听到她说在世界的另一端,她找到了家的熟悉感觉。Hannu教授和Yoko教授,他们在我们店铺旁边的大学担任客座教授,把芬兰当代的建筑思维带到中国的课堂。他们总在中午出现,他们说LOCK CHUCK让他们重拾在芬兰期间养成的喝咖啡的习惯。

这些话语时刻都在提醒着我们要与世界连接。从LOCK CHUCK推开世界大门,最好的中国在此展现,最遥远的远方的文化亦触手可及。

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