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Review of Our One Year Anniversary Party

“We do not remember days, we remember moments.”(Thanks to Kori for reminding us this wonderful quote from Cesare Pavese’s The Burning Brand: Diaries, 1935-1950)

We keep crossing borders to discover the infinite world and even though we don’t usually turn back to the photo albums, the smiles from the strangers along the trips keep popping up on our minds. The world is connected with smiles; yes, of course, and coffee.

We are ever so grateful to receive so much love and support from all of you.

We had Emily and Ruffle from England and Wales, who are currently working at a city 3 hours away from Guangzhou, come all the way just to give us their best wishes on our One Year Anniversary. We are always so delighted to see you come here, and love hearing your wanderlust stories!

Phil and Rachel, what can we say that we have not said yet. You have exceeded our expectation for Christmas with your ginger bread house, and this time around, you have once again wowed us with LOCK CHUCK’s very own succulent garden. We are so happy to know that you have found love and comfort here, and we hope we can continue being your bridge to more excitement in the future.

Bram, the most handsome Dutch around town, who worked on his project in LOCK CHUCK every now and then, paid us a visit with the most enthusiasm one could ask for. Thank you and Angie for the beautiful pallet of flowers!

We also want to thank Kit, who told us that we were his inspiration for moving into this neighborhood. What a joy to hear that we are slowly transforming this street, rejuvenating the neighborhood with young blood, just as we had always wanted to do by opening the store in this back alley. (Thank you for the vinyl, Kit!)

We want to thank Karin for always sharing her best home made cookies with us,

Melissa for spoiling us with her mom’s secret recipe red velvet cake, and Kity for charming every one of us with her fluency in Japanese, English, French, Cantonese and Mandarin.

There was Haijun, who was our fan since our old pop up store; Kuro, who got inspired to open up his very own teashop in Foshan.

Of course, we couldn’t forget Fanfan and Billy, who have been with us every step of the way; we can always count on your showing up. We are so excited for the youngest member of the LC family, and we are channeling good vibes to you all every day.

We thank Fujiku from Fujio Bakery for making a special edition of their delicious bread for our anniversary.

We were also fortunate enough to have baristas from all over the town coming in to share our joy together. It means the world to us that we are in this together to build Guangzhou to become the hip and creative hub that it is meant to be.

Last but definitely not the least, we want to give the biggest shout out to Ben, Karrie, Wuyi, Queenie, Winnie, Kori, Xian, Monica, Anna, Caroline, Wilson, Jason, Tiger and Yvette.  You guys are the core of what keeps LC running from day to day, and though you all are branching out towards different directions, it’s amazing how LOCK CHUCK has brought you all together under the same space.

A place without strangers could be called home, and we hope that is what LOCK CHUCK is to you.

“我们记不住具体的时间,却不会忘记特定的一刻。”(谢谢Kori,你让我们再次回顾这个来自Cesare Pavese的经典名言)




Phil和Rachel,我们澳洲的好朋友,还有什么赞美我们没有向你们表达的?你们亲手制作的姜饼屋点缀了我们整个圣诞节,这次,你们再次亲手制作了一份大礼 — 生机勃勃的多肉花园。我们超级开心地得知你们在广州也找到了爱和舒适感,同时也希望这里永远都是你们联系更多未知精彩的桥梁。

Bram,这位时不时在LOCK CHUCK移动办公同时也是城中最帅的荷兰朋友,以最大的热情参加我们的派对。谢谢你和Angie为我们准备的那么漂亮的花篮。



还有海俊,从我们的pop up store开始便一直强力支持;Kuro,备受启发而即将在佛山开启他自己的茶饮店铺。

当然啦,怎么能够忘记Fan Fan和Billy,从开始的每一步,你们都陪伴左右,我们甚至能够预测你们会在什么时候出现。我们也很期待最小的LC家庭成员的诞生。



最后,但绝对不是不重要,我们要大声的向我们这群棒棒的小伙伴们说我爱你。Monica, Anna, Caroline, Wilson, Ben, Karrie, 胡仪, Queenie, Winnie, Kori, 贤仔,, Jason, 老虎仔, Yvette, Macho, Bao Bao, Carrie,卓田。你们知道吗?你们才是让LOCK CHUCK能够持续不断发展壮大的最核心力量。虽然你们都来自不同国家,不同行业,触角伸向八方四面,但是能够把你们汇集在同一片屋檐下,这真是奇妙的事情。

没有陌生人的地方才可以被称作家。我们衷心希望你会把LOCK CHUCK称之为家。

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